Thursday, October 9, 2008


I have a fear of NIP (nursing in public). I don't know if it is because people give me dirty looks or because I have a wiggling 4 month old trying to pull down the blanket that is covering us. Well I have found the solution to at least one of the problems. It is called a Hooter Hider and its made by Bebe au Lait. Luckily you can enter to win one at Pho For Five ! But hurry the giveaway ends Sunday October 12th.


Mary said...

my hooter hider! My NIP fear comes from my hubby being so worried that I am gonna flash the world LOL.

Lori said...

I love the name of that product. (chuckling over here). I was worried about NIP with my first, but couldn't really care less with my 2nd. Could've really used a Hooter Hider back then.

Love your blog, btw.

Confessions of a Baltimore Housewife

Eli's Lids said...

I LOVE my hooter hider. It is the best one out there. I've used mine for 2 kiddos...