♥A is for age:
Twenty something ;)
♥B is for breakfast:
Didn't have any
♥C is for career right now:
SAHM! (love it!)
♥D is for Drink:
Water with Crystal Light (cant live without it)
♥E is for essential item you use everyday:
Computer (another thing I can't live without)
♥F is for favorite food:
I have many but Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and Chocolate come to mind
♥G is for favorite game to watch:
Football (college not NFL)
♥H is for hometown:
A no traffic light, one stop sign, everyone knows everyone kind of town in Virginia
♥I is for instruments you play:
Air guitar
♥J is for favorite juice:
♥K is for a kind thing you have done today:
Clipped coupons for overseas military families (if that counts)
♥L is for last place you ate:
♥M is for marriage:
♥N is for your name:
Jessica, nickname Jordan
♥O is for overnight hospital stay:
When I Gave Birth to Pricesss P
♥P is for people you were with today:
Princess P and C before he left for work
♥Q is for quote:
"What comes around, goes around" (so true)
♥R is for Biggest Regret:
Their are many (but I have most definitely learned from them)
♥S is for relationship status:
Taken ;-)
♥T is for time you woke up today:
8:00 am (but didn't go to bed unitl 3:30am)
♥U is for favorite military uniform?
Air Force of Course
♥V is for vegetable you love:
Green beans
♥W is for worst habits:
Stress way too much
♥X is for x-rays you've had:
♥Y is for something yummy you ate today:
Nothing yet, but spaghetti tonight Yay!
♥Z is for zodiac sign:
Libra (my Birthday is in 5 days!)